Caterpillar Mobile (2004-2007)
Sony Ericsson R & D – October, 2007 – Nov, 2007
Social Mobile Website
- Designed new lifeblogging site concept based on mobile-social research in Korea.
- Created media archive visualizations to search forms of mobile media (text, photos, videos) by timeline, social connections, and media type.
Tiny Pictures – October, 2006 – Nov, 2006
WAP (Mobile Web) Re-design
- Redesigned information and screen design for mobile web experience (xHTML and WAP).
- Based on client presentation capabilities research, a tiered experience was created to optimize the presentation layer per handset.
- Acquired by Shutterfly 2009.
MFoundry– March – April 2006
Client Design – Java MIDP 1.0 and 2.0
- Interaction design and design guide for Slider 2.0 client platform
- Included in-client advertising methods, video, and image viewing.
4info– May, 2005 – June 2005
J2ME Client Design and Usability Testing
- Mobile search and browsing client available at
- Interaction and mobile interface design for Java MIDP 1.0 and 2.0.
- Mobile advertising methodologies and client usability testing.
ScanR – May, 2005 – June, 2006
Client Design and User Testing
- Enterprise cameraPhone software [MS SmartPhone, J2ME, Symbian]
- Interaction and interface design for MS Smart Phone, MIDP 2.0, and Symbian.
- Usability testing and evaluation of client designs.
Motricity– Dec, 2005 – May, 2006
WAP Design
- Designed interaction and visual look and feel for WAP store-front [ringtone, game, wallpaper downloads] with OTA credit card purchase for Sony Ericsson.
Yahoo Mobile – May, 2004 – Sept, 2004
User Experience Design and User Research
- Lead UI Designer on Yahoo! Photos mobile applications. Designed Yahoo! Photos Brew and Java clients.
- Conducted nation wide camera-phone user interview study. Diary and interview methods used.